1 - I grew up in Alaska and lived in Montana and now live in Texas. I really don't like snow so this is probably the place for me.
2 - I'm from Alaska and don't eat fish ... or a lot of other things that most people would like.
3 - I can't wait to be a mom (no I'm not pregnant. . I just really want my own kids). I heard a song yesterday that went "she's got car seats with no kids" ... yeah, that's pretty much me
4 - I think I have 2 speeds .... sloth mode and energizer bunny. This morning I woke up and got a lot of stuff done in a shorter amount of time than usual and then the next 2 or 3 hours hardly did a thing ... got stuck in turtle gear. I hate not being able to finish something when I start it, so I had all kinds of time to sew today but because I knew it wasn't long enough to finish the projects I wanted to work on I psyched myself out and didn't do anything :S
5 - I watch a lot of tv. Thank goodness for DVR.
6 - I don't have an appendix anymore ... or my wisdom teeth.
7 - I love to take baths.
8 - I enjoy re-purposing stuff.
9 - Someday I will have a house with an amazing kitchen and bathrooms. My heart is set on glass tile.
10 - I'm a loud typer. Chad just told me I'm keeping him up : S I'm also a very fast typer, so I better finish this up!
11 - When I read a book I can't do anything else until I finish it. Who cares about eating dinner?
12 - I like sour things.
13 - It's possible that I could be addicted to amazing fabric and have a really hard time resisting buying a yard just to have some.
14 - I like shopping by myself, during the week, when I know everyone else is at work.
15 - I'm probably gonna write more posts for this challenge and then just schedule them to post on the appropriate days. I'm torn on if that defeats the purpose of the 3o day challenge or if it's more to get you posting and writing about things you might not typically think of.
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