What is Jamberry, you ask? I'm so glad you asked!!! They are high quality, vinyl nail wraps that can last for weeks on fingers and toes. There are no harsh chemicals and they are not polish, so there is no chipping or dry time. Jamberry has over 300 adorable design options to choose from. One sheet of nail wraps will give you up to 2 manis and 2 pedis!
much do you pay for a salon manicure that only lasts a few days before
the wear and tear from your daily routine starts to show? And then how
much extra for any nail art? You can do your nails with Jamberry for a
fraction of the price - less than $5 an application - for fabulous
looking nails that last up to 2 weeks! And we make it even easier to spoil yourself with our great BUY THREE/GET ONE FREE offer!
Are you ready to give Jamberry a try? Take our Seven Day Challenge! I've got samples I'd love to share with you!
>> Request a sample from me using this form
>> Watch or read the application process
>> Cut wrap in half to use for one finger on each hand and apply
>> Paint remaining nails with polish
>> Take a photo and share with us on Day 1 and Day 7!
> > > > > > > > < < < < < < < <
has allowed me to stay at home with my daughter a little more and enjoy
life without the stress of worrying about finances! I started this
journey last April to get a discount on a product I'm addicted to and I
never could have dreamed that it would provide me the opportunities it
If you are looking for an opportunity to earn a little extra cash of your own, work towards paying off some debt or building a team of your own - whatever the reason - there's not a better time than now to put yourself out there! You can even work towards an amazing trip to Hawaii!! The sky is the limit! If you're interested, I'd love to talk to you more about it or you can get some more information by visiting my Jamberry page here

>> Request a sample from me using this form
>> Watch or read the application process
>> Cut wrap in half to use for one finger on each hand and apply
>> Paint remaining nails with polish
>> Take a photo and share with us on Day 1 and Day 7!
> > > > > > > > < < < < < < < <
>> Head over to this web address: http://sarahdennis.jamberry.com
>> Pick out the wraps you can't live without and add em' to your cart (don't forget - if you buy three, you get one free!)
>> At checkout - select a party if you are an online guest of one currently going
>> Sit back, relax, and wait for them to arrive - they ship directly to you!
> > > > > > > > < < < < < < < <

If you are looking for an opportunity to earn a little extra cash of your own, work towards paying off some debt or building a team of your own - whatever the reason - there's not a better time than now to put yourself out there! You can even work towards an amazing trip to Hawaii!! The sky is the limit! If you're interested, I'd love to talk to you more about it or you can get some more information by visiting my Jamberry page here